Variable Control Charts are for use with sampled quality data that can be assigned a specific numeric value, other than just 0 or 1. This might include, but is not limited to, the measurement of a critical dimension (height, length, width, radius, etc.), the weight a specific component, or the measurement of an important voltage. Common types of Variable Control Charts include XBar-R (Mean and Range), XBar-Sigma, I-R (Individual-Range), EWMA, MA, MAMR (Moving Average/Moving Range), MAMS (Moving Average/Moving Sigma), and Levey-Jennings.
XBar-R Chart – Also known as the Mean (or Average) and Range Chart
The XBar-R chart monitors the trend of a critical process variable over time using a statistical sampling method that results in a subgroup of values at each subgroup interval. The XBar part of the chart plots the mean of each sample subgroup and the Range part of the chart monitors the difference between the minimum and maximum value in the subgroup. XBar-R Chart
XBar-Sigma Chart
Very similar to the XBar-R Chart, the XBar-Sigma chart replaces the Range plot with a Sigma plot based on the standard deviation of the measured values within each subgroup. This is a more accurate way of establishing control limits if the sample size of the subgroup is moderately large (> 10). Though computationally more complicated, the use of a computer makes this a non-issue.
The X-Bar Sigma chart can also be used if the sample subgroup size varies from sampling interval to sampling interval. In this case, the control chart high and low limits vary from sample interval to sample interval, depending on the number of samples in the associated sample subgroup. A low number of samples in the sample subgroup make the band between the high and low limits wider than if a higher number of samples are available. The X-Bar Sigma chart is the only variable control chart that can be used with a variable sample size. XBar-Sigma Chart
Individual Range Chart – Also known as the X-R Chart
The Individual Range Chart is used when the sample size for a subgroup is 1. This happens frequently when the inspection and collection of data for quality control purposes is automated and 100% of the units manufactured are analyzed. It also happens when the production rate is low and it is inconvenient to have sample sizes other than 1. The X part of the control chart plots the actual sampled value (not a mean or median) for each unit and the R part of the control chart plots a moving range, calculated using the current value of sampled value minus the previous value. Individual-Range Chart
EWMA Chart – Exponentially Weighted Moving Average
The EWMA chart is an alternative to the preceding Shewhart type control charts (X-Bar R and I-R charts in particular) and is most useful for detecting small shifts in the process mean. It uses a weighted moving average of previous values to “smooth” the incoming data, minimizing the affect of random noise on the process. It weights the current and most recent values more heavily than older values, allowing the control line to react faster than a simple MA (Moving Average) plot to changes in the process. Like the Shewhart charts, if the EWMA value exceeds the calculated control limits, the process is considered out of control. While it is usually used where the process uses 100% inspection and the sample subgroup size is 1 (same is the I-R chart), it can also be used when sample subgroup sizes are greater than one. EWMA Chart
MA Chart – Moving Average
The MA chart is another alternative to the preceding Shewhart type control charts (X-Bar R and I-R charts in particular) and is most useful for detecting small shifts in the process mean. It uses a moving average, where the previous (N-1) sample values of the process variable are averaged together along with the process value to produce the current chart value. This helps to “smooth” the incoming data, minimizing the affect of random noise on the process. Unlike the EWMA chart, the MA chart weights the current and previous (N-1) values equally in the average. While the MA chart can often detect small changes in the process mean faster than the Shewhart chart types, it is generally considered inferior to the EWMA chart. Like the Shewhart charts, if the MA value exceeds the calculated control limits, the process is considered out of control. MA Chart
MAMR Chart – Moving Average / Moving Range
The MAMR chart combines our Moving Average chart with a Moving Range chart. The Moving Average chart is primary (topmost) chart, and the Moving Range chart is the secondary (bottom) chart. It uses a single sample/subgroup, same as our standard [Individual-Range], [Moving Average], [EWMA], and [Moving Average] charts. When calculating the Moving Range, it windows the same data values used in the Moving Average calculation. Note that the limits are variable (wider) at the beginning, taking into account the fewer samples in the start up of any type of SPC chart which uses a sliding window in the calculation of moving average and moving range statistics. MAMR Chart
MAMS Chart – Moving Average / Moving Sigma
The MAMS chart combines our Moving Average chart with a Moving Sigma chart. The Moving Average chart is primary (topmost) chart, and the Moving Sigma chart is the secondary (bottom) chart. It uses a single sample/subgroup, same as our standard [Individual-Range], [Moving Average], [EWMA], and [Moving Average] charts. When calculating the Moving Sigma, it windows the same data values used in the Moving Average calculation. Note that the limits are variable (wider) at the beginning, taking into account the fewer samples in the start up of any type of SPC chart which uses a sliding window in the calculation of moving average and moving sigma statistics. MAMS Chart
The Levey-Jennings chart is used almost exclusively in laboratory settings. It uses a chart very similar to the Individual Range chart above, the major difference being that it only uses the Primary individual data point graph of the chart and does not include the Secondary range graph. Also, the Levey-Jennings chart uses the Westgard rules which utilizes tests involving 1-, 2- and 3- sigma control limits. Levey-Jennings